Move-in move-out cleaning checklist is the process that homeowners carry out, or contract out, to clean their homes before and after moving out.
A deep move-out house cleaning checklist may include thorough wall scrubbing, carpet shampooing, floor polishing, cleaning appliances, and cleaning the bathrooms.
Suppose you’re relocating to a new apartment or buying a new house. You will think that are you cleaning yourself or a cleaning service. While hiring a cleaning service can help you check off this task, handling it yourself will save you money and let you tackle the cleaning on your schedule.
Cleaning Tips
- Clean from top to bottom. We recommend for your regular cleaning routine, dust surfaces high up in the room, like ceiling fans or shelves,
- Work in stages. Break it into chunks of time, starting with the areas you’ll use the least, such as a guest bedroom.
- Last-minute cleaning. Even if you clean before the move-out day, there are some things you’ll have to clean right before you leave, like the bathroom. Remember that you’ll likely have to sweep up the dust once the furniture is moved out.
Move-Out Cleaning Checklist
Dust the ceiling fans
- Remove any nails or screws from the walls.
- If you used hardware to hang up artwork, now’s the time to remove them and fill the holes.
- A dry microfiber mop will make quick work to erase scuffs or marks.
- Clean the windows and wipe window ledges
- Wash the doors
- In-Out Cleaning Checklist
- Dust the ceiling fans
- Try the pillowcase trick
- If you used hardware to hang up artwork or shelves, now’s the time to remove them and fill the holes with putty.
- Wipe down walls and molding
- Wipe them down with a damp microfiber cloth
- Sweep and vacuum, then mop the floors
- Dust any vents or exhaust fans
- Dust blinds or window treatments (if you’re leaving them)
In the Kitchen
- Empty and clean the refrigerator
- Have a cooler ready for any food you want to take to your new place.
- Clean the oven and stovetop
- Refresh the dishwasher
- By using some white vinegar.
- Scrub and disinfect the sink (and
- The garbage disposal, if you have one!)
- Wipe down and disinfect the countertops
- Clear out the cabinets
- Once emptied, vacuum up any crumbs inside the cabinets, then wipe down the cabinet fronts and knobs.
In the Bathroom Checklist
- Scrub the shower
- Clean the sink and handles
- Don’t forget the toilet!
- First, scrub the bowl and wipe the outside, including the tank.
- Clear out and clean any cabinets.
Outside Checklist
- If you have a lawn, mow the grass.
- Sweep the patio, porch, stoop, and front walkway.
Laundry Room Checklist
- Clean the washing machine
- Then clean the outsides of both the washer and dryer. Clean them down with a damp microfiber cloth.
- Sweep and vacuum, then mop the floors
- Dust any vents or exhaust fans
- Dust blinds or window treatments (if you’re leaving them)
What is included in a move-out cleaning?
Dusting. Interior Glass, Blinds, Ledges, Baseboards, etc. Sweeping & Mopping Hard Surface Floors, Vacuuming Carpets, and Rugs.
Move stove and fridge and clean down around.
What should be included in a moving-out checklist?
Bathroom cleaning includes wiping down and disinfecting. You should clean floors, Wash area rugs, and clean the floors upstairs or downstairs. The kitchen sink and counter, including kitchen cabinets, will be cleaned.
Do you have to do a deep clean when moving out?
Deep cleaning is not legally applied. Your move-out cleaning checklist will depend on the size of the property and how clean it is already.
Do I need to clean household items before the move?
You will undoubtedly want to give your household items a good cleaning after the move,
What inclused in the Kitchen cleaning Checklist?
- Empty and clean the refrigerator
- Have a cooler ready for any food you want to transport to your new place.
- Clean the oven and stovetop
- Scrub all the grease off your stovetop.
- Refresh the dishwasher
- Use some white vinegar
- Scrub and disinfect the sink (and the garbage disposal, if you have one!)
- Wipe down and disinfect the countertops
- Clear out the cabinets
- Once emptied, vacuum up any crumbs inside the cabinets, then wipe down the cabinet fronts and knobs.